Monday, May 07, 2007

Turkey Hunting

Steve & Josh had some father/son bonding time in the woods.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Carleys is 9

Carley turned 9 On February 27

Friday, February 16, 2007

Josh & Courtney's Valentines Party

Here is Josh at his party getting ready to read his cards he got from his classmates. He was so excited. And I got a surprise when I arrived at his party early, they had indoor recess due to the cold weather, as Josh came over to give me a hug, he was holding on to a girls hand, he did let go of her hand to give me a hug, then reached back for her had and walked into class. I don't know if I am ready for this.

Courtney was so proud of the bag she decorated for her cards.

I got to split my time between Josh & Courtneys parties. Carley's teacher doesn't allow parents to attend the parties. I was kinda sad at first, but realized it was more time I got to spend with the other kids.
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