Monday, May 07, 2007

Turkey Hunting

Steve & Josh had some father/son bonding time in the woods.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Carleys is 9

Carley turned 9 On February 27

Friday, February 16, 2007

Josh & Courtney's Valentines Party

Here is Josh at his party getting ready to read his cards he got from his classmates. He was so excited. And I got a surprise when I arrived at his party early, they had indoor recess due to the cold weather, as Josh came over to give me a hug, he was holding on to a girls hand, he did let go of her hand to give me a hug, then reached back for her had and walked into class. I don't know if I am ready for this.

Courtney was so proud of the bag she decorated for her cards.

I got to split my time between Josh & Courtneys parties. Carley's teacher doesn't allow parents to attend the parties. I was kinda sad at first, but realized it was more time I got to spend with the other kids.
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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Stone Family CHRISTmas 2006

Carley, Alyssa & Kayla with Jasper

Josh & Jake after eating from the chocolate fountain

Kids sang "Happy Birthday to Jesus"

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Hall Family CHRISTmas 2006

We celebrated CHRISTmas on Saturday at Mom & Dads.

David & Val, Leah & Lindsey

Courtney & Lindsey with matching Barbies

Phebe (Sharons Mom), Jim, Ian,
Sharon, Adrienne, Conor & Joe

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CHRISTmas 2006

Nonie & Papa started a new tradition, they came to our house during the week with one present for each of the kids to open. The kids call it "Alone Time". They really enjoyed it. Luckly for the parents it was the biggest gift they got so we didn't have to haul it home.

Carley got a American Girl Doll organizer

Josh gave Mom & Dad a picture for CHRISTmas. The antlers are his hands and the face is his foot. Steve & I love these gifts.

Courtney made a wreath out of her hand prints.
We are really blessed that our children have great teachers.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

More CHRISTmas Pictures to Follow

We will be posting more Family CHRISTmas pictures soon. Keep watching for updates.